almost had my very first bike accident today!
a near-collision with a very small jack russell terrier.
what an embarrassing way to go down, really.
derailed by a small, white and brown dog.
everything is coming together quite nicely, i must say.
plans are moving forward and i feel organized, positive, and supported in my efforts.
i read all the hype about some of the female artists coming out now - see the radio support and the PR machine working at it's highest level, bestowing proclamations of greatness upon the flavor of the moment - and all i can think is, they are not going to know what hit them when i finally come out with what i'm going to come out with. and that is all i will say about that.
the best artists in the world, those who truly inspire and last, have all gone through tremendous struggles to get to where they are/were. not the here today, gone tomorrow cookie cutter formulaic pop acts - that does not interest me at all - but the people with real stories, who inspire other people, who go through the ups and downs of life and art and stick it out. those who live it. that is what interests me. not to say that i'm not looking forward to the part where things get easy for a second and i sit back and reflect on the tough times - i can't wait - that will be a fun time, i'm sure - but i'm here now and i'm doing what i love and i am about to make the best music i have ever made, and that keeps me going. that, and the encouraging words of the people who believe in me - those that i work with and those i have never met - all of you reading this, all of you who read all the silly shit i write, watch the videos, send me messages, come to my shows, let me know that my music means something to you, on a deep level, and you have found it on your own - not because radio has pushed it into your lives, not because you have been inundated with photos and advertisements to the point where you don't even know whether you like the music or not and it has just become part of your life, so you sing along every time you hear it on the radio, in the supermarket, etc etc etc.
if you are listening to my music it is simply because you have decided for yourself that you like it.
that means a lot to me.
thank you.
i look forward to getting my music out by the more traditional methods, too - i will certainly welcome radio support and tv appearances and all the stuff that helps an artist get in front of a much bigger audience. just want to let you know what it means to me that i have the support of you people at this point in my career, continuing on this journey with me, the slow build of the last 8 years. and i hope to be able to provide you with lots of music for years to come.