i'm so excited.
playing new songs and old songs with the guys who play music with me and i haven't been this excited in a long time.
i am happy.
truly happy about the way these songs are sounding.
everything is a bit crazy and stressful and uncertain, and i am feeling more fulfilled and more satisfied than ever because i am making the music i want to make and loving it. i am singing the way i want to sing, playing what i want to play. i am being creative in the way i want to be creative. it's a fantastic feeling and i wouldn't trade it for all the record sales in the world.
it also helps that i believe that these songs, done in the way they are going to be done, will bring all the other sorts of success i would like to have. including the record sales. we will see. but i believe in what i am doing. 100%
there is no one to blame but myself if i do not make the music i want to make this time...if there is anything i have any regrets about, it will be entirely on me. and i am so ready for that responsibility.
hindsight is such a crazy thing. especially when you can forsee something and choose to push it aside. hindsight is painful at that point.
a lesson learned.
honesty with oneself.
painful shit.
we move past it, though.
and take from it what we can take.
and so it goes.
ok - back to the music.
the music is what matters.
not the other shit which sometimes accompanies it.
the truth, not the facade.
just the sound and the authenticity of that sound.
everything else is just noise.