my friend james is writing a blog so i felt like i needed to write a blog, too.
i feel guilty and lazy when i think about the fact that somewhere, someone is blogging, and it isn't me.
thing is, there are people blogging all over the world, all the time.
people are twittering and zanneling and blogging and fucking and...i'm off topic.
and then i start to feel bad because i know my blog won't be as good as james' blog.
see, he's blogging because he actually has something to blog about.
also, he's really mean, so his blogs are more fun to read.
i'm guilt-blogging.
just wanna keep up.
nothing to say.
not really.
just don't want to be lazy.
here are some things i've experienced in my recent past:
i went to nyc and had a fantastic time.
this drawing represents my first night in NYC, but i'm not going to tell you why.
my friend james will, because he's way more mean than i am.
so you can go find his blog if you want to be entertained.
read mine if you just want to be confused.
i played a show at joe's pub and met some awesome people, some of whom i have corresponded with online for the last couple of years. it was neat.
i also played the yahoo! billboard ad week showcase at the nokia theater in times square and it was super cool. i played with three guys - friends of my friend jeremiah - and they totally kicked ass.
here's a photo from sound check. (it's very exciting, as sound check photos tend to be.)
a funny girl group played after me that night.
they were 12 years old and looked like three little jonbenet ramseys.
for that reason, they kinda creeped me out.
my brother and i spent a few hours in ABC carpets on broadway and 19th.
that's one of my favorite shops in the whole entire world and someday i might be able to afford to buy a pillowcase or a soap dish.
i mention this store in the updated liner notes of the re-issue of my 2002 CD, which will be available mid-october. (are you paying attention??)
here's a photo of me and my brother sam, surrounded by high end home furnishings:
i went with my friend james to howard stern's studios and got a super cool tour from richard christy.
richard showed us one of the funniest videos i've seen in a long long time:
then he offered to let me ride the sybian machine, and i politely declined.
(no photo, sorry)
we went to the san gennaro fest in little italy, which was the bane of my existence back when i lived on mulberry street.
i like gelato.
finally, here is a photo from the airport in NYC, waiting for my flight, smiling and looking happy, pretending to be thinking about something other than my plane free-falling from the sky and what those final few moments of life would feel like:
i have some other things to tell you.
i'll do it another time, in another blog.
did you catch the CD release thing?
ya - mid-october - the demo CD which started it all.
i've been embarrassed of it for the past 6 years but finally let my friend arlan talk me into re-releasing it.
because i am going to fund my next album with the money i make from selling off pieces of my humiliating past! including old recordings of the first songs i wrote!
and's almost rosh hashanah!
new year's eve for my people.
on rosh hashanah it's customary to eat apples dipped in honey - a symbol of the sweet new year to come.
i will celebrate by eating raw shellfish with some pornographers.
happy new year!
i hope it's a sweet one.
omg! 2002 cd rly? funny. I was gonna buy one of em off ebay for a million dollars oh well i'll wait till october.
Posted by: Ryan Nguyen | September 29, 2008 at 09:54 PM
hi terra, i am a recent fan, like, last two days recent. i hit upon your cover of patty griffin's every little bit whilst searching for something else, and then poked around and fell in love with you. i am a singer songwriter just now getting back on the path after two children and five very draining years behind me...anyway i wanted to say hey and hey and hey i think you're awesome and when i fly i think of falling out of the sky too.
Posted by: mamaloo | September 29, 2008 at 11:23 PM google
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